A-Z and all about ME!

11 Mar

The ABC’s of Reggie

A: Age: 6.5 years

B: Bed size: I’ve got two beds, one queen size I let the humans use and another Pug size.

C. Chore you hate: Picking up my bones

D. Dogs: All the dogss at Muttley Crew are pretty nice.

E. Essential start to your day: BREAKFAST – Kibbles & carrots

F. Favorite color: Red

G. Gold or silver: Silver

H: Height: 16”

I: Instruments that you can play: None…

J: Job title: Best Friend

K: Kibble: Taste of the Wild – Pacific Stream

L: Live: Fairview, Oregon, USA

M: Mom’s name: Kristen

N: Nicknames: Pug, Buggy, Reg,

O: Overnight hospital stays: Yes… A long time ago.

P: Pet peeve: When humans shut doors to rooms and don’t let me in!

Q: Quote from a movie: “There’s no place like home.” – Dorothy, Wizard of Oz

R: Righty or lefty: Lefty

S: Sibling: Feng Shui (Guinea Pig)

T: Time you wake up: 5:30 or whenever I am hungry

U: Underwear: Commando?

V: Vegetables you dislike: Lettuce

W: What makes you run late: When my human is to slow to get her shoes tied before we go on walks

X: X-rays: I don’t remember?

Y: Yummy food your humans make for you: Peanut Butter treats

Z: Zoo favorite animal: Panda Bears

(Thanks to Sabrina at pugtails.net)

Oh Wise One

2 Mar

My humans say that you can see a lot about someone by looking at their eyes. They say my eyes are wise and that I look like I have a story to tell. I say they shot a picture of me right after I came in from a walk in the stormy weather…

So, as I ponder, about my wiseness, I think I will take a moment to reflect on what has made me wise.

1. I think being a pudgy pug no longer gave me a lot to appreciate about life. When I was a chubby puggy I missed out on a lot of things and life passed me by… In the past couple of years I have found a zest for life that didn’t revolve around food and involved playing, loving my humans, and meeting new friends.

2. I have had more than one home. This has given me a lot of insight on love and family and how important a forever home is. I know that the family I am with is forever but in my past, I didn’t have a great home life… I also learned how much love you can get in a foster home and how much love it takes to take in homeless Pugs when they are in need. There are a lot of good people out there looking to love Pugs.

3. Near death experience. This is a scary thing. I almost crossed the Rainbow Bridge at 4 years young. It was before I even went in to Rescue… I was in the hospital and had tubes and everything coming out of me all over trying to heal me. A few short months later, I was in rescue, losing weight, and getting healthy again.

4. Being a good listener. As I have met so many new humans and FURiends in the past few years I have been told that I am very good at listening to people and making them feel better. I don’t have a lot to say sometimes but I love making people feel better.

Well, that is about it on being wise… Until next time friends…

Yours truly, a Valentine.

14 Feb

Here I am. I am a Valentine. My human Kristen decided to give my other human, Eric, a special Valentine’s day card. Turns out that card was ME! I did get some treats out of it but I was subjected to wearing a heart around my head. I know, I know, I look cute… Still if I don’t get a Valentine out of this I will be bummed… My human said I looked irresistible but I don’t know I think I just feel silly… Luckily, when I went to daycare today, I didn’t have to wear this…

Hi friends.

9 Dec

I have been napping much too much to writes in my blog so I thought I would take a break from napping and say hi. I’m sorry friends that I haven’t posted in a while. With it being winter, I takes much more naps. My persons spend way too many hours at a place called work. It must be a pretty fun place if they go there so often…  So, while they do that, I sleep away and watch the house. My busy day is Monday. I can never blog on Monday. That is garbage day. Take it upon myself to speak to the garbage & recycling trucks every time they drive by. They need to know that it is important to not disturb my naps. That said I do enjoy Monday’s though… With it being the Howliday’s, there have been many more trucks delivering gifts to people. No trucks have come to our house yet… I am getting a bit concerned… I will be waiting when they arrive. I am hoping for a new dog bed this year and treats of various sorts, preferably knee bones… I recently got an early present. Check out my new bling…  Well, I am starting to yawn so I better get back to my naps. I will post soon. I’ve missed you friends.


6 Oct

I have been absent from my blog for a couple weeks. I have been a bit lonely and I also celebrated Hug a Pug day so I was a little hugged over from that. I asked the humans if we could get another pug… They said not yet but sometime in the future… Hmph. Since that didn’t work, I decided I am seeking a pug pal.  So, my human came up with the idea that I should write to a fellow pug and strike up a friendship. I like this idea. I like to write and I have lots to say. So, I tried to go to the post office to see if I could find a Pug Pal there. No luck. I waited and waited by the big blue box but people just kept dropping off letters but no pugs. Hmmm. How do I find a Pug Pal? I don’t think waiting by the mailbox is going to work but it seemed like such a good idea. I would love to find a pug that lives somewheres far away and needs a friend. We could even exchange gifts during the Howlidays. If you have any ideas… let me know… I am getting discouraged waiting day in and day out at the post office.

My birthday recap. No thanks to the Ducks.

7 Sep

Saturday was my birthday! I turned 6 years old. This was a big event for me. I woke up thinking I was getting a party, a cake, and a few presents. NO. I was wrong. Turns out on my special day some Ducks from Kristen’s school were playing their first football game. Ducks playing football!? Can you imagine?! I see Ducks at the park and all they ever do is swim in water and eat bread… How they put on clothing and throw a ball is beyond me… This is the biggest event of the year, much to my dismay, for my humans. They get on green and yellow clothing and have to drive really far to watch these Ducks. So, I was by my lonesome until the evening when they returned. They returned empty handed. No balloons. No cake. I’m still pouting about it.

On Sunday, I did receive a birthday gift and a special treat and a visit to one of my favorite stores, Salty’s Dog and Cat Shop. My human bought me a Bully stick. I had never had one before and it was pure deliciousness. So, when person Eric heard about my birthday treat he asked what part of the cow it was from exactly. Kristen looked it up and well… it’s a bull cow wiener. Now Eric thought this was the funniest thing in the whole world. He laughed and laughed.  I didn’t care. Bully sticks are awesome… I just wish they were from a different part of the cow…. It’s a little embarrassing.  I am too grouchy to post a photo but Kristen says she wants to put one up of me in my Duck shirt. I don’t want to wear the Duck shirt because it is a reminder how I spent my birthday alone while they watched some crazy birds throw a ball.

Free Range Pugs

1 Sep

Yesterday as I went for a my evening walk I saw a neighbor of mine, Jose. Jose is a pug too and he is the most unique pug I have ever met because his mom says he is a free range pug! Now, when Jose goes for walks he is not on a leash! Isn’t that the most absurd thing ever?!? Well, he stays close to his human all the time and is calm enough not to try and chase trucks like I would.  They walk all over the neighborhood and he gets to sniff plants on peoples lawns that my leash would never let me reach. I am quite jealous so I got my person to think about having me free range. Kristen said it would give her nightmares… I wouldn’t want that so I guess I will remain leashed.One pug can only wish.

In this photo, I was attempting being free range this weekend at the dog park. I am thinking of using it to start a profile for a dating site so I can find a girlfriend. What do you think? Do you have any tips on what I should say to attract all the ladies? I hope someone asks me on a date. I have never been on a date. I think my perfect pug date would be to a teriyaki place followed by a run in the big yard.

A stroll in the park…

30 Aug

Yesterday was a GREAT day! I knew something was going on when Kristen was cutting up carrots, then packing lunch, and finally loading a big bag with treats,  a camera, and a book. She told me we were going for a ride to a special park for classy dogs (like me, of course).

We rode in the car for a while and when we got to our final destination, Hazelia Field Dog Park, I was most pleased. This was the nicest dog park I had ever been to. True, it is only my second dog park visit, but Kristen researched and said this is the best one and I completely agree. This dog park was located near some farms which I liked. I was hoping to get to stroll in the corn field nearby but Kristen says I am allergic to corn… boohoo. So instead, we checked out both dog park areas, the general “big dog” area and then the special area for small, shy, and timid dogs.  I met a lot of new dogs but I think the nicest was a 15-year old Greyhound. He was VERY tall! He was skinny too but that’s because he told me he is a retiree. I guess he used to race on a race track! He said it was a very hard job and he is liking retired life with his adopted family much better. I guess when he was working he didn’t get to live with nice people and have treats and a backyard. He traveled and lived in a little box which was sad to hear about. I think he is the hardest worker I have ever met! Him and I both had in common that were adopted although we all know I was the exact opposite of him as racer as I was a professional couch potato. Unfortunately, no pugs were at the park.

I mostly hung out with Kristen while she read. I tried to sit on the park bench, which is not made for pugs so that didn’t work out… I am not a fan of  small dogs that talk too much about their beauty routines and hair styles so we headed to the general “big dog” area. Person Kristen learned real fast that it is not smart to bring lunch to the dog park for herself. She should have just given the sandwich to me, then we would have had no problem with other dogs sniffing her salami sandwich while she tried to eat. Luckily for me, my carrots were unharmed as most dogs don’t like them at the dog park. They were all about the human food…Kristen says we probably won’t be back for the dog park because all I do is greet the humans and stand by them.  I don’t really chat with the dogs and run around. Unless there are pugs involved of course then I strut with best of them!

After we left the park, I didn’t have to ride in my kennel so I kept my head out of the window and whiffed the fresh air. We ended our day at PetSmart (a store for smart animals of all kinds) to buy  hay for the Guin. He has been getting very demanding in his old age so she had to buy the biggest bag. Then we headed home  for a siesta then dinner. Then for dessert I had a Greenie that Kristen snuck by me at PetSmart. What a good day… Then I took another siesta until my pre-bedtime walk and then I slept soundly all night. All in all, a very pug day.

Happy now. Mad later.

11 Aug

This tagline pretty much sums up my puggy week thus far.

First off, I got a rad new knee chew bone over the weekend. It was super good and made me very happy. This was a new treat for me and I hope that my obvious enjoyment will result in regular gifts of this delectable treat. Perhaps I was a bit too happy in receiving the bone because in my eagerness to enjoy said bone, I have chewed it too small and now I’m mad because it’s going in the garbage because person Kristen is worried I will swallow it! This is upsetting… I must be more subtle in my eagerness to enjoy treats…

Also, I haven’t had to use my pug fan in a week. It’s been GREAT! Walks have been longer and I’ve been able to work on staying in shape. I distracted many fellow walkers with my good looks as I strutted by… By using world wide webbie, I have found out the temperatures will be in the 90’s later this week. Looks like I will be inside and bored. Maybe I will get a new chew bone out of it??? One pug can only hope…

The Big Yard

27 Jul

You may be wondering when I refer to the Big Yard what I am talking about… Well, the Big Yard is one of my favorite places. It’s where kids go to something called school. I think school is probably like my training class I went to. I was the top of my class and I got treats all morning long. It was well worth it. I bet kids love school…

Here is a picture of me from the last time I went to the Big Yard. I was resting after playing some basketball with my person Eric. He dunked right over me… I am not meant for sports like basketball. I like wrestling and other sports where it is good to low to the ground. Recently since losing all my pudge, I realized how fast I am. I love to sprint across the Big Yard. Sometimes a crowd of people will stop and watch me. Never thought I would be admired for athletic ability.